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07:33:30.373 wicardd: wicardd-sh4 version 1.18 neosheen (Aug 25 2014) http://wicard.tv
07:33:30.374 wicardd: Build options: [AutoConf] [TuxBox SCI] [DVBAPI] [STAPI] [WEBIF] [ExMLog] [TWIN]
07:33:30.410 wicardd: disabling internal CAS - 64
07:33:30.411 under_app_detect: procname: sh, daemonize = 0
07:33:30.411 under_app_detect: PPID: 1564
07:33:30.411 under_app_detect: procname: sys_func, daemonize = 1
07:33:30.411 under_app_detect: PPID: 1357
07:33:30.412 under_app_detect: procname: sys_func, daemonize = 1
07:33:30.412 under_app_detect: PPID: 1
07:33:30.420 3usd: Filter object created.
07:33:30.421 3usd1: Filter object created.
07:33:30.422 name10000: activity_timeout = 9000 ms
07:33:30.423 name10000: using default secure key
07:33:30.423 name10000: not decoded cache initialized, size: 64, ttl: 3000
07:33:30.424 name10000: reader thread started, pid 1568, tid 696251624
07:33:30.437 wicardd: creating default balancer.
07:33:30.438 default: [balancer] chain key missed, creating default chain including all readers.
07:33:30.438 default: balancer object created, 1 stage(s).
07:33:30.440 DVB: Detected API: STAPI
07:33:30.448 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 0 [PTI:pmt1_1.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 1 [PTI:pmt1_2.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 2 [PTI:pmt1_3.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 3 [PTI1:pmt2_1.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 4 [PTI1:pmt2_2.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 5 [PTI1:pmt2_3.tmp]
07:33:30.449 DVB0[STAPI]: PMT association 6 [PTI2:pmt3_1.tmp]
07:33:30.450 DVB0[STAPI]: open PTI device: PTI1
07:33:30.451 DVB0[STAPI]: STAPI filter handler thread started, pti_no = 0 [PTI1], pid 1569, tid 697787624
07:33:30.452 DVB0[STAPI]: open PTI device: PTI
07:33:30.454 DVB0[STAPI]: STAPI filter handler thread started, pti_no = 1 [PTI], pid 1570, tid 698840296
07:33:30.455 wicardd: registered 2 filter(s), 1 reader(s), 1 balancer(s), 0 tuner(s) and 0 server(s)
07:33:30.455 wicardd: loaded 0 user account(s)
07:33:30.458 wicardd: main thread, pid 1567, tid 694906880
07:33:30.472 wicardd: Discovery thread terminated.
07:33:30.924 name10000: connect to grp1.3usd.tv:10000, user=valery757, pass=ххххххххх, key=[0102030405060708091011121314]
07:33:31.148 name10000: Server detected: WiCard
07:33:31.207 name10000: CAID 0500, providers 2, UA 0000000000000000
07:33:31.207 name10000: provider 0: id 042300, SA 0000000000000000
07:33:31.208 name10000: provider 1: id 051A00, SA 0000000000000000
07:33:31.208 name10000: auto update disabled
07:33:31.209 name10000: provider data updated
07:33:31.211 name10000: reconnecting... connected